2030Plus is a London-based futures forum, focused on future shifts and leadership innovation, helping business, communities and individuals to deal proactively with change.

Mal Fletcher

Chairman: Mal Fletcher, futurist & social commentator, keynote speaker, author, broadcaster.

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Open Letter to Leaders

AI: 6 Election Questions

Future & Social Comment

AI: 6 Election Questions

AI and Toxic Politics

Future & Social Comment

AI and Toxic Politics

Democracy is based on transparency, but AI systems are opaque. We don’t always know who is building them, or who is misusing them. 

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AI To Boost Cyber-Crime

Leadership & Innovation

AI To Boost Cyber-Crime

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2030Plus - Future Change

What we do

Future Change

We work to make sense of change; with research & comment on major social issues ranging from family and youth issues, to privacy, autonomy and more.

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What we do

Media & Press

We provide media producers with expert futurist and social commentary for news, current affairs and documentaries.

Global Vaccine Database?

Leadership & Innovation

Global Vaccine Database?

2030Plus - Innovation Leadership

What we do

Innovation Leadership

We offer world-class resources to equip future-minded leaders and teams for long-view strategic influence.